What we offer
Feel free to ask us for details about our keynotes, workshops and advice
Keynote presentations
You can book Ardi Bouwers as a keynote speaker or discussion moderator on subjects ranging from the rise of China to international communication & media, storytelling and identity.
Read moreTop training
We offer insightful and interactive training and workshop sessions on your China strategy, intercultural leadership and storytelling across cultures for you or your team.
Read moreStrategic advice
We provide strategic advice to profit and non-profit organisations on intercultural issues and assist in optimizing your presentation and negotiating skills for Chinese and European audiences.
Read moreProject management
We love to initiate new projects, but also provide fresh enthousiasm and coherence to existing projects on intercultural communication, media and diversity, aiming to bridge gaps between Europe and China.
Read moreBlog
The China Challenge report
China Circle and Krijger & Partners conducted a joint study, commissioned by the LeidenAsiaCentre, examining how the current, highly politicised Chinese economic […]
China’s ambassador scolds the West to flatter Xi
In 2019 China ushered in a new era for its public diplomacy. Its ambassadors – armed with new Twitter accounts […]
The Great China Debate
What are the consequences of China’s rise for the Netherlands? That was the central question during the Great China Debate […]
Follow China Circle's thoughts on current events
@ardibouwers op Twitter
- RT @LiYuan6: Xi Jinping says he has defeated poverty, but discussion of economic struggle in China is being censored. “I went to college… 22:31 May 04, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Harmful disinformation by China’s state press agency https://t.co/O27tmFgstl 22:29 May 04, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @JChengWSJ: NYT: "Marcos—in office for not even a year—has emerged as one of the Philippines’ most transformative foreign policy preside… 09:57 May 03, 2023 from Twitter for iPad ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Zat vanochtend in de uitzending van BNR over de torenhoge jeugdwerkloosheid en een lage consumptie. En dat terwijl… https://t.co/82BCR6bRgR 08:43 May 03, 2023 from Twitter for iPad ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @stevenchase: CSIS has confirmed to MP Michael Chong that he and family were targeted by Chinese government after he sponsored a motion… 22:22 May 02, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
Meet our team

Ardi Bouwers
Ardi Bouwers has the unique combination of in-depth knowledge of China and a broad experience in journalism and intercultural management. She teaches at universities in both the Netherlands and China, on China in the 21st century, on intercultural communication and storytelling.

Tao Yue
Tao Yue is devoted to intercultural understanding and business improvement. She provides customized East-West intercultural training and coaching and develops insightful business case studies and executive training materials.

Kathleen Ferrier
Kathleen Ferrier follows the rise of China from a broad political perspective. Kathleen combines her unique experience as a political insider – she was a respected member of the Dutch Parliament for a decade – with a deep knowledge of Hong Kong, where she lived from 2013 until 2018.

Bei Wang
Bei Wang is a very experienced media consultant and communications strategist with cross-border and cross-industry expertise. Bei is a business consultant and media entrepreneur specialized in the public sector, the private sector, media and the creative industry.
What clients say
"This course was tremendously insightful, presented by someone who seemed to have unlimited knowledge about China."

University of Amsterdam
Honours student
"Great and very interactive workshop, gave insight into the way the Dutch communicate and the differences with the Chinese style."
- Doctors of Business Administration group

Jinan University
Guangzhou, China
"Fascinating discussion on China, Made me think. Extremely interesting. Really inspiring. Persuasive presentation style."

Centre for Professional Learning
Participants from Dutch MFA
“Tao and Ardi, thanks for your great talk! We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback about the topic and your workshop!”

UvA Alumni Association
"The Masterclass was jam-packed with exceptional experiences and information."
"Compliments to Ardi Bouwers. An inspiring speaker!"

HOVO Leiden
"Very inspiring talk on Storytelling for Cities, interesting examples and great to use your insights for our city."

Global Mayors Forum
Delegate from Nanjing
“Thanks again for the very interesting and highly interactive guest lecture. Students’ feedback about it was extremely positive.”

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Get in Touch
Surinamestraat 38
2585 GK The Hague
The Netherlands
Ardi Bouwers
+31 6 2323 4404